Laughing mom with young daughter riding piggyback

Policy Bulletin Library

Policy bulletins are complementary to our provider manual.

Our policy bulletins communicate our medical, claim payment reimbursement and drug positions for services administered to members.

We have created three sections of the library below: medical policies, claim payment policies and drug policies.

Laughing mom with young daughter riding piggyback

Medical Policy Bulletins

Our medical policy bulletins define medical necessity criteria and coverage positions on topics such as medical services, procedures, durable medical equipment and therapies.


Policy Bulletin # Title  Summary Version Date 


New Technology Documents our coverage position for new technologies 6/3/2024


Experimental and Investigational (E&I) Services, Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), and Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) Documents our coverage position for E&I Services, IDEs, and CEDs 8/21/2024
MN.006.I Cosmetic & Reconstructive Services Documents our coverage position for cosmetic and reconstructive services 4/17/2024
MN.008.C Genetic Testing Documents our coverage position on genetic testing 2/19/2025
MN.010.G Gender Confirmation Surgery Documents our position on gender confirmation surgery 12/18/2024


Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)/Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) (30-day notification) 

Documents our coverage position on WGS and WES



Shift Nursing, Personal Care, and Medical Daycare

Documents our position on the shift care, personal care, and medical daycare


MN.015.B Standards of Medical Necessity Documents our position related to medical necessity 9/1/2021
MN.016.A Injectable/Specialty Drugs Prior Authorization Requirements Documents our prior authorization requirements for injectable/specialty drugs 2/19/2025
MN.018.A Medical Nutritional Support Documents our policies on enteral nutrition. 11/20/24
MN.020.B Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) Documents our position related to POEM 2/19/2025
MN.021.A Panniculectomy and Abdominoplasty Documents our position related to panniculectomy and abdominoplasty 2/1/2023
MN.022.A Reduction Mammoplasty Documents our position related to reduction mammoplasty 8/1/2023
MN.024.A Relizorb (Immobilized Lipase Cartridge)  Documents our position related to Relizorb 2/19/2025


Medical Policy Type Key: MN = Medical Necessity

Claim Payment Policy Bulletins

Our claim payment policy bulletins provide reimbursement rules and billing guidelines necessary to ensure timely and appropriate payment.


Policy Bulletin # Title  Summary Version Date 


Ambulance Ground Mileage Claim Documents our reimbursement rules for ambulance ground mileage and ambulance services 8/15/2023


Modifier 50, Bilateral Procedure Documents our position on modifier 50, bilateral procedure 3/31/2016
RB.005.A Modifier 25 Documents our position on Modifier 25 7/1/2016
RB.006.C STAT Labs Provides reporting requirements and reimbursement rules for STAT laboratory tests (a.k.a. labs) 1/1/2023
RB.007.D Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Rental Payment) Documents our position on DME rentals 3/5/2025
RB.009.A Sepsis and Severe Sepsis Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) Clinical Validation Review Documents our position on Sepsis and Severe Sepsis DRG Clinical Validation review 4/1/2020
RB.014.C Observation Care

Documents our position on Observation Care services

Provides answers to common questions

RB.015.C Cataract Removal and Related Ophthalmologic Testing Documents our position on cataract removal and related ophthalmologic testing 5/1/2022
RB.017.C Continuous Glucose Monitors Documents our position on continuous glucose monitors 12/9/2022
RB.018.A Medicare Readmissions Documents our position on Medicare readmissions 11/2024
RB.019.A Health Care Acquired Conditions (HCAC) and Preventable Serious Adverse Events (PSAE) Documents our position on HCAC and PSAE 1/1/2021
RB.020.A Obstetric Anesthesia Services Documents our position on obstetric anesthesia services. 12/1/2021
RB.021.A Professional Telehealth Services (Medicare) Updates our policy on telehealth services, specifically for Medicare members. 11/01/2023
RB.022.C Rapid Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Testing Documents our position on rapid HbA1c testing. 2/24/2025
RB.023.B Diabetic Retinopathy Screening and Fundus Photography Documents our position on diabetic retinopathy screening and fundus photography. 12/9/2022
RB.024.B Professional Telehealth Services (Medicaid and CHIP) Updates our policy on telehealth services for Medicaid and CHIP members. 1/6/2025


Pediatric Shift Care When Multiple Members in a Household Are Receiving Care

Documents our position on pediatric shift care when multiple members in a household are receiving care.


RB.026.A Remote Patient Monitoring Provides information on remote patient monitoring. 10/14/2022
RB.027.A Tobacco Cessation Program Provides information on tobacco cessation certification. 7/1/2022
RB.028.B CMS and DHS Payment Systems Update and Maintenance Payment Policy Provides information on CMS and DHS policies. 12/17/2024
RB.029.C Diabetes Prevention Program Provides information on the Diabetes Prevention Program 2/1/2025
RB.030.C Newborn Authorizations Provides information on authorizations for newborns 2/1/2025
RB.031.A Maternity Billing and Reimbursement Guidelines Provides information on authorizations for maternity billing and reimbursement 5/15/2023
RB.032.A Adjudication of Claims from Non-Participating Providers - Medicaid & CHIP Documents our coverage position for adjudication of claims for non-participating providers 9/25/2023
RB.033.B Vaccine Coding and Reimbursement Provides information on vaccine coding and administration 9/1/2023
RB.034.A Adjudication of Claims from Non-Participating Providers - Medicare Documents our coverage position for adjudication of claims for non-participating providers 1/1/2024
RB.035.A Preventive Care Services - Individual and Family Plan Documents our policies on preventive care services for Individual and Family Plans 1/1/2024
RB.037.A Readmissions - Individual & Family Plan Documents our position on Individual & Family Plan readmissions 1/1/2024
RB.038.A Professional Telehealth Services - Individual & Family Plan Updates our policy on telehealth services for Individual & Family Plan members. 12/1/23
RB.039.A Reporting Requirements for Anesthesia Services Documents our reporting requirements for anesthesia services 10/16/2024


Claim Payment Policy Type Key: RB = Reimbursement

Drug Policy Bulletins

Our drug policy bulletins document our position on pharmaceutical topics and drugs.


Policy Bulletin # Title  Summary Version Date 


Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Documents our position regarding IVIG Therapy. 9/18/2024


Ocrevus (Ocrelizumab) Documents our position on Ocrevus (Ocrelizumab). 4/24/2023
DR.004.E Spinraza (Nusinersen) Documents our position on Spinraza (Nusinersen). 4/24/2023
DR.005.D Zolgensma (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi) Documents our position on Zolgensma (onasemnogene abeparvovec-xioi). 4/17/2024
DR.006.E Complement Inhibitors: Eculizumab (Soliris) & Ravulizumab(Ultomiris) Documents our position on Eculizumab (Soliris) and Ravulizumab (Ultomiris). 11/20/2024
DR.007.C Adakveo (Crizanlizumab-tcma) Documents our position on Adakveo (Crizanlizumab-tcma). 11/1/2023
DR.008.B Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate) Documents our position on Sandostatin LAR Depot (octreotide acetate). 9/1/2023
DR.009.C TEPEZZA® (teprotumumab-trbw) Documents our position on TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw). 9/1/2023
DR.010.C Xiaflex (Collagenase clostridium histolyticum) Documents our position on Xiaflex (Collagenase clostridium histolyticum). 9/18/2024
DR.011.D IgG1 Monoclonal Antibodies for Alzheimer’s Documents our position on IgG1 Monoclonal Antibodies for Alzheimer’s 5/14/2024
DR.015.A ROCTAVIAN® (valoctocogene roxaparvovec-rvox) Documents our position on ROCTAVIAN® (valoctocogene roxaparvovec-rvox). 5/15/2024

ELEVIDYS® (Delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl)

Documents our position on ELEVIDYS® (Delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl) 11/20/2024
DR.017.A Adstiladrin® (Nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg) Documents our position on Adstiladrin® (Nadofaragene firadenovec-vncg). 7/1/2024
DR.018.A Viltepso® (Viltolarsen) Documents our position on Viltepso® (Viltolarsen) 7/1/2024
DR.019.A Hemgenix® (Etranacogene dezaparvovec-drlb) Documents our position on Hemgenix® (Etranacogene dezaparvovec-drlb) 7/1/2024
DR.020.A Casgevy® (Exagamglogene autotemcel) Documents our position on Casgevy® 08/21/2024
DR.021.A Lyfgenia™ (Lovotibeglogene autotemcel) Documents our position on Lyfgenia™ 08/21/2024
DR.022.A Zynteglo™ (Betibeglogene autotemcel) Documents our position on Zynteglo™ 08/21/2024


Drug Policy Type Key: DR = Drug

Frequently Asked Questions

The effective date of select policy bulletins found above may considerably pre-date the actual date of their availability on this page. The current policy bulletin library includes PDFs of policies that have been in effect for many years but were not published on our website.

New and updated policy bulletins will typically be published in the policy bulletin library 30 to 60 days prior to their implementation date, ensuring that your office is given appropriate notification of changes and updates that may affect your office.