Tobacco Cessation Counseling
To become credentialed as a Tobacco Cessation Counselor (TCC), follow these steps:
- Enroll in Medical Assistance with a National Provider Identification (NPI) number
- Click here to complete the “Every Smoker, Every Time” online training and submit the “Pre-Approved Tobacco Cessation Registry Application”, along with the “Every Smoker, Every Time” notification email to the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH)
- Tobacco cessation counseling certification as an Individual TCC provider type is required.
- Check the box to be referred to DHS Medical Assistance (MA) to have your “Pre-Approved Tobacco Cessation Registry Application” and notification email forwarded to DHS MA. You must check yes to the following: “If your program is approved, would you like to be referred to the Department of Human Services (DHS) for review and approval by Medical Assistance for reimbursement of tobacco cessation services?”
- A Medicaid PROMISe number is required for billing purposes.
- DOH will send a fax to confirm your application has been approved and a link to the DHS MA application for the PROMISe number.
- Pharmacists must then apply for an individual PROMISe number as a TCC.
- Click here to access the DHS MA PROMISe number application.
- The MA Program enrolls DOH-approved pharmacists as Tobacco Cessation Providers (PT 37) with a provider specialty of 370.