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Online Learning Tools

These classes were created to keep you informed on a variety of important health topics. Click on the class that interests you and select start. Check back often as more courses will be added. To properly view and take courses, please open using Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome.

Prevent Cyber Bullying

The digital revolution has made it possible for bullies to harass, threaten and humiliate people anytime, anywhere. This workshop will help empower students and parents to take a stand against cyberbullying.

Child Online Safety

The internet can be a place for children to expand their minds, but it doesn’t come without dangers. This workshop teaches children and their parents how to surf safely on the web.

Breakfast Basics

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and provides the body and brain with fuel after going all night without food. This course teaches students which foods make for a great breakfast.

Asthma Education

This workshop teaches learners how to reduce the number of asthma attacks, the warnings signs of an oncoming attack and how to manage this condition for an improved quality of life.


When To Use The Er

When to Use the Emergency Room


Get to know where's the best place to go for the type of care you need, whether it's a trip to urgent care or a quick visit to see your PCP.




Learn proper handwashing techniques, how to brush your teeth and take care of your skin all in a good day's hygiene!




Get a quick breakdown of nutrition basics that'll help you make smart and healthy choices.

Budgeting And Finance

Budgeting and Finance


Learn how to take control of your finances and create a budget to help get your financial status in order.


Managing Stress and Avoiding Depression

Do you know how to keep your stress under control? Learn when stress can lead to depression and how to get help.

Saying No To Alcohol

At-risk or heavy drinking can cause serious health problems. Know the risks and learn how you can make a change.

You Can Stop Using Tobacco

Start today. Learn tips and how to get the help you need to quit for good.

Taking Control of Diabetes

With the correct treatment and lifestyle changes, you can manage diabetes and prevent complications.


Keep Hypertension Under Control

Hypertension is another name for high blood pressure. A healthy diet can help you control hypertension.

Getting the Job You Really Want: Resume Writing Skills

Launch this course to learn more about putting together your Resume to increase your chances for an interview.

Getting the Job You Really Want: The Interview Process

Learn more tips about preparing for the interview.


Healthy Eating and Weight

Do you know how to figure out your BMI number? Learn about the food groups and how to keep a healthy weight and where to get the help you need to do both.

Influenza “The Flu”

What is seasonal flu? How to avoid getting it? Who is most at risk? How is it treated? In this course, many of your questions are answered at your fingertips about the flu season.

Smiles Through Life: Oral Health Ages 0-3 years

Dental care for your baby should start before your baby’s first tooth appears. This workshop will teach you how to get your baby’s oral health off to a great start from pacifiers and sippy cups to their first dental visit.

Oral Health: What to Expect While You are Pregnant

Good oral health during pregnancy can make a difference for your baby before and after birth. Learn how pregnancy can affect your mouth and what you can do to have healthy teeth and gums.

Caregiver’s Guide To Dental Care For People With Special Needs

Dental care is important for everyone, including people with special needs. As a caregiver, this workshop will teach you to how to help someone with special needs practice good oral hygiene.